REcycle and REuse are instead the codes linked to the use of recycled materials within the product offer, of which the F/W 2023 collection already offers a very first glimpse. CAre capsule collection, made prioritizing organic and recycled fibers and fabrics, is one of the many steps that Canali has done to reduce its environmental impact.


Launched by Sistema Moda Italia and Fondazione del Tessile Italiano, Retex.Green is a network for the management of post-consumer waste from the textile, clothing, footwear and leather goods sectors. The consortium's objective is to anticipate the legislation on the recovery and recycling of fashion production waste, which will soon be implemented in Italy. It is in fact a voluntary system of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) involving production companies of the Fashion System associated with Sistema Moda Italia. Stefano Canali, President and CEO Canali Group is a Founding Member of Retex.Green.

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